1. says:

    August 6, 2014 at 2:23 am

    Congratulations for your work and for the project as a whole! You must feel really happy and proud for having contributed to such a great documentary. I never did any subtitling work but I see what you mean as far as having to rewrite and review your text. I’m happy for you, Maria.

  2. says:

    June 11, 2014 at 11:38 am

    Maria, this looks like a fascinating documentary and I look forward to seeing it. It’s encouraging that there is now a groundswell of international support for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures. As a Scot, I look forward to the day when Scotland’s reputation is no longer tarnished by the outrageous deeds of Lord Elgin and I hope that the current family at Broomhall House in Fife will reverse their decision to remain mute on the subject of the Elgin Heist. Perhaps they could lead the way in the return of the Sculptures – a great gesture especially in the year of possible Scottish independence.
    Kind regards,

  3. says:

    June 5, 2014 at 7:31 am

    It is really difficult to translate anything – mainly because each language has its own linguistic peculiarities. English may be ‘simpler’ than a very classical language such as Greek and marrying up the content of these two languages would require a lot of effort.

    We appreciate this Maria and we’re certain that it will be appreciated by many more people out there who don’t speak Greek and are interested and passionate about the campaign for the reunification of Parthenon marbles (sculptures).



  4. says:

    June 1, 2014 at 9:57 am

    Dear Maria –
    you did an amazing job translating the film!
    I am so impressed and thankful.

    Thankful because this is the first time I have seen some historical Greek film footage and would never have been able to understand and appreciate the passion and words of so many people who have come before to campaign for the return of the Parthenon sculptures.

    So – I learned a bit of history and learned a bit of Greek.
    Thank you!
    Keri Douglas

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